BREAKING : Astronomers just discovered an extreme supermassive black hole lurking at the edge of the universe

Black holes are regions of spacetime that form when massive stars collapse at the end of their life cycles and can continue to grow by absorbing stars and merging with other black holes. This interaction allows scientists to identify their presence, as electromagnetic radiation is given off as visible light across space. But, they could one day pose a problem.

History's "10 Ways the World Will End" revealed how these space anomalies could one day pose a problem to life on Earth.

The series detailed earlier this month: "There are 100,000,00 black holes in our galaxy, with vicious gravitational forces, that devour everything in their path.

"If one headed straight for Earth, and we were sucked into its deadly vortex, what would happen to our planet? Would mankind survive?

"Of all the objects in space, this lethal mass possesses the strongest gravitational poll, earning its name, because nothing, not even light, can escape the grasp.

"Anything or anyone that crosses its outer edge - an invisible boundary known as the event horizon- will never be seen again.

"A black hole coming towards Earth has cruised through the universe for billions of years, growing larger as it swallows stars, planets and everything else in its path."

American theoretical physicist Michio Kaku revealed how scientists were stunned to discover that rogue black holes do inhabit the Milky Way.

He said: "Some people compare a black hole to a celestial zombie, it comes to life when anything comes too close.

"It grabs that object in its clutches and never lets go.

"We used to think that black holes were stationary, but we were shocked to find that there are rogue black holes that wander across the galaxy.

"If you get so close to a back hole that you are in the grip of its gravitational field, then no matter what you do, you are doomed to fall into the black hole."

Greg Laughlin, an astrophysicist from the University of California, then painted a dim picture for life on Earth should a black hole spring to life.

He said: "Every black hole is capable of reanimating itself when it is in the vicinity of matter, so every black hole has the capability to suddenly spring to life as a truly vicious killer.

"Nobody on Earth is safe or secure once the event horizon of a supermassive black hole has been breached.

"But, for a while, life would go on."

The series then detailed how humans would suffer a torrid time on their final days on Earth, before the inevitable doomsday.

He added: "As the Earth finally passes through the event horizon, it's majestic, instead of a big bang, there is light.

"This cosmic light show may be amazing, but it's also confirmation that our planet has entered a black hole and we're being pulled closer to the doomsday point at its centre, known as the singularity.

"With the Earth close to the singularity, buildings, bridges and the Earth's surface itself violently buckle. "The black hole's gravity is now so strong, that it can bend, twist or tear our planet like a sheet of paper."

Adnan Abrar

Working with Physics-Astronomy and The Space Academy since 2018.

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