Scientists Finally Answer The Important Question, Are Cats a Liquid?

A liquid is traditionally defined as a material that adapts its shape to fit a container. Yet under certain conditions, cats seem to fit this definition. This somewhat paradoxical observation  emerged on the web  a few years ago and joined the lo…

BREAKING: Cambridge Physicists Find Wormhole Proof

University of Cambridge physicists have developed a theoretical foundation for the existence of wormholes, which are pipelines that connect two dissimilar places in space-time. Time travel and instant communication across great distances may become…

Scieпtists Believe They Might Have Jυst Discovered Α Parallel Uпiverse

Scieпtists believe they may have caυght a glimpse of a parallel υпiverse bυmpiпg υp agaiпst oυrs. They’ve seeп hiпts iп sigпals from the most distaпt poiпts of the υпiverse that sυggest the fabric of oυr υпiverse has beeп disrυpted by aпother iп…

Voyager 1 Is Sending Back 'Impossible' Data From Interstellar Space

The mission team continues to search for the source of a system data issue as the spacecraft continues to return scientific data. NASA’s Voyager 1 spacecraft engineering team is trying to solve a puzzle. The interstellar explorer continues to ga…

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